Review Requests

Due to some problems as of late, we will only be accepting books for review from authors that agree to the following terms:

  • You understand we are only human and may need a few days to get to your book. We blog for free. All four of us have families and other things in our lives. While we would LOVE to be able to read constantly, but our husbands would divorce us.
  • From now and forward, we are only publishing reviews for books that we believe to be 4 and 5 star. While we believe that 3 and 3.5 Star reviews are completely acceptable, it has come to our attention as of late that several people out there do not. In trying to keep the peace, keep everyone happy, and avoid drama, we have decided that this is the appropriate thing to do.
  • In keeping with fairness, if we contact you and say we could not rate your book 4 stars or higher, please be nice. It doesn’t mean we didn’t like your book. It just means it is on that line where the review may not be entirely favorable. We are always happy to change the post to a promo to still help you out.
  • Please remember, every person reads a book differently and we are allowed to have our opinions as such. One of us may adore your book and another may not. Reading is a subjective.
  • No matter what, we promise never to bad mouth you or your work if the review does not work out. We expect the same courtesy and respect for us and our blog.

In all honesty, we HATE to have to do this but feel we need to protect everyone involved in the process. We love authors, books and the whole book community and hate that it has turned into what High School used to be – fighting for popularity and so much drama it makes your head spin. We will be here minding our own business, reading and promoting like always.

You can always count on us for a fair and honest review; maybe that is why we have been burned recently. To this end, we hope that you will still ask for reviews and support us, as we will continue to support you. ❤


Colleen, Neelam, Dina, & Caroline

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